Acronyms are words formed by the word formation process in which an initialism is pronounced as a word.
For example, HIV is an initialism for Human Immunodeficiency Virus that is spoken as the three letters H-I-V. However, AIDS is an acronym for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome that is spoken as the word aids.
An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phrase or title. Sometimes the newly-combined letters create a new word that takes the place in everyday language. Using this shortened form of a word or phrase can speed up communication.
1. AKA - Also Known As
2. ASAP - as soon as
3. AWOL - absent without
4. LASER - Light amplification
by the stimulated emission of radiation.
5. NATO - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
6. NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
7. NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
8. OPEC - Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries
9. PIN - Personal Identification Number
10. RADAR - Radio detecting and ranging
11. RAM - Random Access Memory
12. SCUBA - Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
13. TESOL - Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
14. UNICEF - The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.
15. UFO - Unidentified
Flying Object
Acronyms are related to the word formation process of abbreviation.
Blending is the word
formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new
word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. In blending you sound out a sound or
phoneme and combine it with the next sound or phonemes of a word form the word
For example :
a) advertisement +
entertainment → advertainment
b) biographical + picture →
c) breakfast + lunch →
d) chuckle + snort →
e) cybernetic + organism →
f) guess + estimate →
g) hazardous + material →
h) motor + hotel → motel
i) prim + sissy → prissy
j) simultaneous + broadcast → simulcast
k) smoke + fog → smog
l) Spanish + English → Spanglish
m) spoon + fork → spork
n) telephone + marathon →
o) web + seminar → webinar
Here are
some e.g. of blending :
When you blend the sounds /b/a/t/ they be come the word bat.
When you blend the syllables /ba/na/na/ together, they make the word banana.
linguistics, a blend is a word formed from parts of two or more other words.
These parts are sometimes, but not always, morphemes.
Most blends
are formed by one of the following methods:
1. The
beginning of one word is added to the end of the other (see portmanteau).
For example, brunch is a blend ofbreakfast and lunch.
2. The
beginning of two words are combined. For example,cyborg is a blend
of cybernetic and organism.
3. Two
words are blended around a common sequence of sounds. For examples, the word californication,
from a song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, is a blend of California and fornication, and
the word motel is a blend of motor and hotel.
4. Multiple sounds from two component words are blended, while mostly preserving
the sounds’ order. Poet Lewis Carroll was well known for these kinds of blends.
An example of this is the word slithy, a blend of lithe and slimy.This
method is difficult to achieve and is considered a sign of Carroll’s verbal. A
recent example is stagflation, a blend of stagnation
and inflation.
References :
what the blending purpose ?